SkyH2O Micro Station™
SkyH2O Micro Stations™ are
Flexible Water Production Facilities
“Municipalities across the globe face significant challenges to provide fresh drinking water to their residents. Current implemented “solutions” are further stressing a shrinking underground water source, while creating a huge one-time-plastic problem that threatens our planet and our own existence”.
SkyH2O MICRO STATION™ allows water to be created and stored on a smaller footprint. Each system can be designed to fit in each unique space requirement.
SkyH2O’s industrial-grade AWG can be deployed in a distributed manner (“DWG”), specifically where water is needed most, enabling water security.
Delivering high quality water where it is needed!
Package Price: $2,000,000.00
Delivery Lead Time: 30 weeks + Shipping
Package Includes:
2 AWG Maximus 4260 units
Rated Production 21,300 liters per day*
10,000 Gallon Storage Tank (40,000 liters)
NOTE: Custom configurations available upon request.
*Rated at 80% RH, 27° C, Sea level for 24 hours
SkyH2O invites Professionals, Strategic Partners and Impact Investors to accelerate Business and Project Development across America, and Worldwide.
If you would like more information about SkyH2O Stations™,
please contact us via email or call.
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